
Achaea mudlet scripts
Achaea mudlet scripts

To contact Cylon regarding the Lusternia crowdmap you can reach him in game as Kaiel or on Discord, script is open-source and includes contributions from Kard, Keneanung, Patrick, Qwindor, Wyd and others! Would you like to add something? Get in touch with Vadi for more. Please include room numbers if possible to make it easier and faster for the corrections to be made. To contact Qwindor about adjustments that need to be made to the Achaean crowdmap you can contact him in game or on skype at "qwindor.rousseau". Have feedback, comment or a suggestion? Please comment here or join the Discord! Maintenance of the crowdmaps is mostly done by the following individuals: Qwindor (Achaea and Starmourn), Cylon (Lusternia) and Tamarindo (StickMUD). The script is written by Vadi, maintained by a group of volunteers. maintaining map features and finding the shortest route to the nearest one of a given type (like: goto junk, goto repair, goto harbour.using special movement types for even faster speedwalking (like gallop, glide, dash, sprint, runaway, and more).automatic repathing if you get off course.The script is included in the standard StickMUD GUI. You'll need to import the xml below in order for autowalking to work on Achaea, Aetolia, Lusternia, Imperian, or Starmourn. This is the Lua component to make the Mudlet Mapper work for IRE games and StickMUD. 7.2.28 map delete all - clear the whole map.7.2.23 area labels - view/delete labels in an area.7.2.18 room label - add a label to a room.7.2.17 room area - move room to another area.7.2.16 spe clear - unlink all special command links.

achaea mudlet scripts

  • 7.2.15 spev - link two remote rooms via special commands.
  • 7.2.14 spe - link rooms via special commands.
  • 4.7 What is the difference between a room mark and a map feature?.
  • 4.6 How do I delete the map to start over?.
  • 4.5 How do I tell it I have the celerity power (artefact or mhun racial ability)?.
  • 4.4.2 How can I say the keyword in another language?.
  • 4.4.1 How can I make it not remove my wings?.
  • 4.4 How to make it use wings in Achaea?.
  • 4.1 Should the crowdmap say locked/unlocked 0 wormholes using crowdmap?.
  • 3.1 in Achaea, Starmourn, Lusternia or StickMUD.
  • If you have any questions, feel free to post here, open tickets on the project, or email me at eoghan (at) imperian (dot) com. Once the project has a good amount of functionality implemented, it will be available for automatic installation via an in-game command. If you implement functionality outside of the functionality available in Nexus, your pull request may be rejected - our goal is to have a package that lets people jump into the game, but not give them a particular advantage over out-of-the-box Nexus users. You can find the project here! Fork the project, add functionality, and then create a pull request! After submission, your pull request will be reviewed (currently, by me, but tentatively by other members of IRE as well). To-date, we have the GUI Windowing framework, but not implemented the internals of any of the tabs.

    achaea mudlet scripts

    The intention of this GUI is to mimic, as much as possible, the functionality provided by our Nexus client. With initial help from the Mudlet community (and a special shout out to Vadi), we have created the framework for an open source Mudlet gui! I am pleased to announce the inception of a new project targeting the second largest userbase in IRE (after Nexus): Mudlet!

    Achaea mudlet scripts